New RAD platform to fill the J2EE-AJAX void

ThinkCAP JX rapid application development (RAD) platform for building
rich Internet applications claims to combine the power of AJAX, J2EE and open source to help organizations and their developers
quickly and cost-effectively build intuitive and responsive Web-based applications while leveraging skills and infrastructure
already in place.

By providing an intuitive visual design environment along with
leading- edge AJAX functionality, ThinkCAP JX gives Java experts and
non-experts alike an efficient, intuitive means of adding the power of
AJAX to new and existing Web-based business applications.

ThinkCAP JX integrates almost 25 open source frameworks and engines including Struts and Hibernate and provides a seamless
framework that ties them all together. It also adds value to open source through ThinkCAP Workbench, a highly visual design

At the core of ThinkCAP’s AJAX framework are two recent open source AJAX projects: prototype.js and These
libraries were chosen because they provide excellent base functionality but also because they are the two projects driving
the AJAX functionality of the Ruby-On-Rails project and therefore are very likely to be frequently updated as they mature.

Other open source and standards projects in ThinkCAP’s core
architecture are OpenRico, JUnit, log4J, JFreeChart, Apache Axis,
Apache Commons (Validator, BeanUtils, Collections, Digester, and
Logging), Castor, JEP, Jakarta (Oro, POI, and Regexp), Apache (Lucene,
Batik, and Bcel), JavaTidy, and Xerces.

ThinkCAP JX Enterprise allows developers to visually build Web services to more than 60 different enterprise platforms including
SAP, PeopleSoft, Siebel, Oracle Applications,, CICS, Tibco, and Lotus Notes/Domino.

Source: Clearnova Press Release

>> Is AJAX worth adopting?
>> Will AJAX bring up a different kind of software developer? – JAVA

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0 thoughts on “New RAD platform to fill the J2EE-AJAX void

  • March 8, 2006 at 4:19 am

    goodmorning sir

    my problem is how to write annotations in ejb3.0

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