Building Faster Java

What if your Java IDE did more than just help you write code? What if
it also gave you meaningful advice about how to actually improve it?
What if you had a single, integrated environment that not only helped
you optimize your Java applications, but also offered powerful built-in
profiling, debugging, and optimization tools?

This article tells us that the now free Oracle JDeveloper 10g does all that and more. The article shows how you can develop, debug, deploy, check, and optimize your Java applications directly from within the IDE to create powerful, robust and fast applications.

The article looks at the following JDeveloper tools:

  • CodeCoach: Offers suggestions to help write better Java code
  • Code Audit: Checks code for adherence to programming standards
  • Code Metrics: Provides metrics about your code and identifies areas where it exceeds acceptable limits
  • Memory Profiler: Analyzes your application’s memory usage
  • Execution Profiler: Helps you analyze your application’s performance
  • Event Profiler: Helps you track specific application events

>> JDeveloper is the most comprehensive Java IDE available
>> Expect JDeveloper to grow at an Unexpected pace
>> Oracle JDeveloper 10g: Empowering J2EE Development
>> Oracle JDeveloper Books

>> Building Faster Java

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0 thoughts on “Building Faster Java

  • September 1, 2005 at 4:28 am

    POJOs sure ‘can greatly reduce complexity, improve developer productivity’ and it seems sensible to develop new software with POJOs and not EJBs. But migrating existing and working EJB based applications to POJOs – Not sure if its worth it.

    Why break something that is working? You should have simplified the existing EJB based application.

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