We don’t need these big heavy J2EE application servers

Mark Brewer, CEO of Covalent says “What we’ve seen in the last two years is corporations saying, ‘We don’t need these big heavy J2EE application servers. Why don’t we migrate to something easier to deploy and less costly?'”

Marten Mickos, CEO of MySQL adds “If you look at .Net or J2EE, they are top-controlled by single entities to make decisions–sometimes good decisions, sometimes bad, In the LAMP stack, the evolutionary powers
make sure that only best-of components survive. It is a difference in philosophy.”

“The LAMP stack is still not an officially sanctioned application platform in many companies. But the open-source development model, where individuals can make contributions to freely available products, will put the LAMP stack on a quicker development pace than those of Java or .Net,”

Curt Finch, the founder and CEO of Journyx. syas “Java is an old-style language–I’m not impressed with it. Look at how much money it takes to get (IBM) WebSphere or (BEA Systems’) WebLogic up and running. It’s just an endless stream of development money,”

Some strong views from the LAMP world.

The report goes on to say that both Microsoft and Java vendors are clearly aware of the popularity of LAMP and are taking steps for better integration with LAMP. It also states that LAMP vendors are working hard to make LAMP more battle-tested and palatable to corporate customers.

Brings up these issues for J2EE:
1) Big and Heavy Application Servers
2) Top-controlled decision making on the platform
3) Not easy to deploy
4) Costly
5) Slow development of the platform

Do you think enough is being done to address these issues?

>> Open-source LAMP a beacon to developers

>> When Java? When PHP?
>> LAMP alternative to J2EE and .Net

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0 thoughts on “We don’t need these big heavy J2EE application servers

  • July 3, 2005 at 1:13 am

    Brings up these issues for J2EE:
    1) Big and Heavy Application Servers -> it depends on your requirements. Do you need clustering, zero downtime, security constraints, messaging, distributed computing etc.?

    2) Top-controlled decision making on the platform -> Ever heard from JCP?

    3) Not easy to deploy -> Ever heard from Ant build tool?

    4) Costly -> Ever heard from JBoss, Jonas, Geronimo, Tomcat?

    5) Slow development of the platform -> Ever heard from Ant, XDoclet, Eclipse?

  • June 16, 2005 at 2:20 pm

    It depends of the server.
    I was happy with customized JBoss (

  • June 15, 2005 at 10:56 pm

    > Brings up these issues for J2EE:
    > 1) Big and Heavy Application Servers

    Geronimo addresses this concern directly. Sure it will be J2EE 1.4 certified for those users who need that, but the real power of Geronimo is in its configurability. Geronimo was architected to be comprised of a collection of configurations that define what services make up a given server instance. The ability to configure a server is available to anyone. For example, in a situation where only a web container, transactionality and messaging are needed, Geronimo can be configured to only include those services.

    > 2) Top-controlled decision making on the platform

    Geronimo is a project from the Apache Software Foundation and offers a very inclusive community from a wide array of backgrounds and cultures. The direction and speed at which Geronimo is developed is defined by this community.

    > 3) Not easy to deploy

    Ease of deployment is one of the areas of focus within the project. I am confident that this will be addressed very soon as discussions are already taking place surrounding deployment, installation and configuration.

    > 4) Costly

    Geronimo is an open source project licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Therefore licensing costs are zero.

    > 5) Slow development of the platform

    As I stated above, the development and direction of Geronimo is decided by the community. Please join us!

    Bruce Snyder
    Virtuas Solutions

  • June 15, 2005 at 9:57 pm

    1) Big and heavy app servers – True- Nothing being done.

    2) Top-controlled decision making on the platform- Not a problem – The JCP process seems to work well.

    3) Not easy to deploy – True – Things are improving

    4) Costly- False- Many free and open source alternatives.

    5) Slow development of the platform – False – Considering how slow adoption of new technology is, the development is fast enough.

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