Java & Mobile Software Conferences – Call For Speakers Closing Today
Closing today are the call for speakers for the annual IndicThreads Conference on Java (Dec 10) and the IndicThreads Conference on Mobile Software Application Development (Nov 10).
Conference On Java
The 2010 IndicThreads Conference on Java is the 5th consecutive year of the conference. It was the first such event in India in 2006 and is the longest running independent event on Java in India. IndicThreads invites submissions from experts in the Desktop, Enterprise as well as Mobile aspects of software development for the Java platform.
Call For Speakers :
Conference On Mobile Software Application Development
Mobile devices & Mobile software platforms are changing rapidly, bringing in radical new features and capabilities. However this constant change makes software development for mobile devices a highly skilled job that requires in-depth understanding & learning. The IndicThreads Conference On Mobile Application Development will be a deep dive into the platforms (Android, Symbian, iPhone, Blackberry, Meego, Bada…), architectures, languages & issues related to delivering the best possible software application for mobile devices
Call For Speakers: