Apache Tomcat 7.0 Released With Servlet 3.0, JSP 2.2 & EL 2.2 Support
Apache Tomcat 7 is the project’s first major release since 2006. It fully implements the Java Servlet 3.0, JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.2, and Expression Language (EL) 2.2 specifications for easier Web framework integration. One of the Apache Software Foundation’s (ASF) earliest projects, the Tomcat code base was first donated to the ASF in 1999.
Tomcat 7 makes it simpler to write and deploy complex Web applications, providing out-of-the-box support for development features that would otherwise be coded manually.
“Developers can rely on Tomcat 7 for faster, more reliable application development and integration, providing both a better user experience and better use of server resources,” explained Mark Thomas, member of the Apache Tomcat Project Management Committee.
With more than 10 million downloads to date, Apache Tomcat powers a broad range of mission-critical Websites and applications across countless industries and use cases, from Fortune 500 conglomerates to service providers to eCommerce systems.
“The improvements in this new release leverage advances in Java, including the Servlet 3 specification, significantly improving the lives of the world’s Web application developers” said Ross Mason, founder of MuleSoft.
Developers using Tomcat 7 will also benefit from improved memory leak detection and prevention and support for ‘aliasing’ directories into an application’s URL space. All known bugs reported in previous versions of Tomcat have been fixed in v.7.0. Tomcat versions 5.N and 6.N will continue to be supported.