NaturalONE – a new Eclipse-based toolset for enterprise application development
Software AG has released NaturalONE – a new Eclipse-based toolset for enterprise application development. NaturalONE claims to be a unique integrated development environment (IDE) that lets developers code and test applications (using the Natural language), expose Natural objects as web services, and create rich web interfaces for their applications.
In this way, NaturalONE lets the developer produce applications that not only support enterprise SOA and BPM, but also appeal to business users outside the IT group.
NaturalONE is designed to appeal to two distinct groups: those who are experienced in using Software AG’s Natural, and those familiar with the Eclipse IDE but with little or no Natural experience.
For developers accustomed to the Eclipse IDE, but not familiar with Natural, NaturalONE provides an easy on-ramp to the powerful, intuitive and time-saving capabilities thousands of Natural developers have come to prefer.