BitNami RubyStack Provides Integrated Distribution Of Ruby on Rails 3
BitNami RubyStack provides an integrated, ready to run distribution of the beta release of Ruby on Rails 3 and all of its dependencies. BitNami RubyStack is available as a native installer, a virtual appliance and an Amazon Machine Image, so it can be deployed natively, virtually or in the cloud in just a few clicks.
BitNami has released ready to run package of the latest Ruby on Rails 3 beta release and all of the third party software it requires, BitNami RubyStack. The integrated software stack makes it easy to set up a Rails 3 beta environment for testing and development purposes without interfering with other software installed on users’ systems.
The latest release of BitNami RubyStack includes Ruby, RubyGems, Apache, PHP, MySQL, SQLite, Subversion, phpMyAdmin, Git, Nginx, Sphinx and several other gems and components. It is freely available as a native installer, for deployment directly on Linux, Windows or OS X machines, as a virtual appliance, for deployment in a VMWare or VirtualBox environment, or as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) for deployment to the Amazon EC2 cloud.
“RubyStack provides a complete deployment environment for Ruby on Rails applications that can be installed in parallel with other setups. This new release allows developers to quickly test Rails 3 or maintain a separate, self-contained installation for testing purposes”, said Daniel Lopez, BitRock CTO. A bundled uninstaller makes it easy to remove the complete Rails 3 beta environment when it is no longer needed.
A significant number of additions have been made to this major release of Ruby on Rails, which includes a number of ideas from the Merb framework. Rails 3 features include new Bundler functionality which makes it easier to specify and include gems with Rails applications, a new router with an emphasis on RESTful declarations, a new Active Record chainable query language, a new Action Mailer API and JavaScript helpers with drivers for Prototype and jQuery.