IT innovators: The people who dare to be different has started a new series of articles about IT companies that innovate. It begin with "Two Words that Doubting Thomases rarely use in the same sentence are ‘India’ and ‘innovation.’"… however what follows is a lot more encouraging for IT innovators.

The series will cover "the story of the success of these and other
innovative companies, the problems faced by young entrepreneurs, their
never-say-die spirit, their determination and diligence to create a
winner, and the pain and the ecstasy behind their final triumph"   

The first article in the series is about Whizlabs, a global player in providing eLearning solutions.

Whizlabs is one of the 6 companies chosen by NASSCOM as the best
innovators. The others are Beehive Solutions, Compulink Systems, Liqwid
Krysal India, PACE Soft Silicon and Srishti Software.

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0 thoughts on “IT innovators: The people who dare to be different

  • December 3, 2004 at 3:58 pm

    I hope that atleast some young,dynamic IT professionals from this country will start thinking beyond some trips to US, great salaries and other luxuries. Its all about coming out of comfort zone.

  • December 3, 2004 at 3:22 pm

    Y wud be prized only when there is great demand for skilled workers in J2EE sphere.
    But X would be picked up based on requirements in any of the three areas.
    Chances of X sticking around longer than Y are greater.

  • December 3, 2004 at 11:27 am

    Its true that entrepreneurship and innovation doesn’t come naturally to most Indians. A secure and high paying desk job is generally the preferred and more respected option in Indian society.

    So the work done by these companies and their creators is truly admirable.

    I hope this inspires many smart Indians to think beyond jobs and pay packets.

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