Wicket, Tapestry and JSF side by side

Compare Wicket Tapestry JSF FrameworkKarthik Gurumurthy speaks on ‘Wicket, Tapestry and JSF side by side’ at the IndicThreads.com Conference On Java Technology 2007 held in Oct 2007 in Pune, India. Component based framework build pages from reusable components, the way you build a windows GUI application. The emergence of Microsoft’s ASP.NET and Sun’s JSF is probably testimonial to the fact that Component based Web development is the future.

JSF, in particular faces some stiff challenge from the best of the breed Java open source alternatives like Tapestry & Apache Wicket. Each framework has its own unique approach to component based web development and have their respective strengths and weaknesses. This session will compare and contrast JSF (MyFaces), Tapestry and Wicket on the following criteria-
1) Programming Model 2) Validation & Conversion 3)Handling of duplicate form submissions 4)Ability to provide common layout for pages 5) Localization 6) Ajax Support 7) Spring Integration


Karthik has been associated with the IT industry for more than seven years now and has employed several open-source libraries to address business problems. He is the author of the book ‘Pro Wicket’ (Apress). Karthik’s involvement with open source also includes contribution to popular open-source projects

Presentation Slides:
Wicket, Tapestry and JSF side by side

* Video compressed for 100 kbps viewing. Takes a hit on quality but will run fine on slow Internet connections.

Related :
* Wicket Framework can save 60% of programming time
* Building JSF and EJB3 applications using the JBoss Seam framework
* JSF and Ajax: Latest strategies for building Ajax applications : Video
* All Ajax development can happen serverside using the Backbase framework and JSF

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