Building JSF and EJB3 applications using the JBoss Seam framework

Gavin King’s session on ‘Building JSF and EJB3 applications using the Seam framework’ presented at the Conference On Java Technology.
Session Abstract – Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) 3.0 technology and JavaServer Faces technology are perhaps the most exciting new developments in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 5. Seam is an innovative new application framework that integrates the EJB 3.0 component model with JavaServer Faces technology as a presentation tier.

Seam builds on the standard extension points provided by both specifications and provides a set of Java technology-based annotations that extends the standard annotations defined by the EJB specification. In addition, Seam introduces several innovative new ideas: managed conversations; declarative and contextual application state management; and bijection, a generalization of the notion of inversion of control and integrated business process management.

Speaker-Gavin King is the founder of the Hibernate project and the author of Hibernate in Action. Gavin works for JBoss, Inc, leading the development of Hibernate, implementing EJB 3.0, and providing services to JBoss customers.

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