Jython beta with all features of version 2.2 released
Jython is a Java implementation of the Python language. It allows users to compile Python source code to Java bytecodes, and run the resulting bytecodes on any Java Virtual Machine. Jython community has announced the release of Jython 2.2’s first beta version. This release contains all of the major features for a 2.2 release.
According to the Jython Roadmap, “Jython in its current state is quitefragile… The next Jython 2.x release will build on the cleanup inthe last release, and in this release we will be able to considerperformance enhancements, CPython frameworks, and other considerationsthat where shelved for the last release.”
JPython was created in late1997 by Jim Hugunin, so its been there since for 10 years. Since a newmaintainer (Frank Wierzbicki) took over Jython, there has been visibleprogress with Jython.
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